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Today's Gas Prices


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pumping gasDealers, general managers, and controllers hate to admit it, but they are faced with this problem:

"Are all of my fuel purchases for the benefit of the company,
or am I paying to fill employees' tanks?"

Fuel is costly and critical in operating a dealership. It doesn’t take long for unauthorized fuel purchases to seriously erode a store’s bottom line.

Ford quoteFuel Trace was created because of the need to control the entire process of purchasing fuel to minimize costs, opportunities for theft, and provide a simple path for audit and accounting. The
FuelTrace® product and process was developed with input from controllers and general managers from many of the largest volume dealerships in the country and has been continuously refined since its inception.

Our subscribers are receiving these benefits now. Find out how
FuelTrace® will work for you.

CALL 800.428.4102 for more information or contact our Sales Department HERE!

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